Jeet Kune Do Benefits
Posted by Webmaster on Jul 7, 2013 in | 0 comments

Why should I learn Jeet Kune Do?
20 reasons to learn Jeet Kune Do.
You learn practical and Realistic self-defence.
Your upper body, arms and legs will become toned
You will increase your fitness and aerobic capacity
Parts of your body, such as your forearms, elbows and hands will benefit from conditioning, making them more resistant to pain and injury.
You will become more flexible.
You will benefit from increased manual dexterity and co-ordination. This is derived from performing exercises with two weapons and weapons of different sizes. You will probably become partially ambidextrous.
You will be able use any weapon , even one you have not used before.
It complements and enhances any martial art. It can be learnt independently from other martial arts or grafted seamlessly into any form of exercise you do already.
Many of the techniques do not require strength or power, since most of the power is derived from body movement and economy of motion.
Because there is no need for strength, anyone can learn Jeet Kune Do. 12 year old children can learn Jeet Kune Do as well as retired women.

It is a complete system of martial arts, training you in striking (punching, kicking,etc.), wrestling, all forms of weaponry, and even groundfighting.
It can be practiced anywhere. Jeet Kune Do can be practiced in a park as well as it’s practiced in a gym.
It is fun. Because it requires a training partner to practice, it is a great way to meet people.
But why Jeet Kune Do? Why not another martial art?
Jeet Kune Do is a complete martial art. It does not focus exclusively on unarmed self-defence techniques (like for example, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, or Muay Thai) nor does it focus exclusively on weaponry. It covers all the ranges of combat. For example Wing Chun specialises in the close range techniques, while Tae Kwon do, specialises in kicking techniques. Jeet Kune do trains the student to fight at long range (with feet), medium range (hands and feet), and close range (elbows and knees). It also utilises wrestling techniques, wrenches, takedowns, sweeps, throws and pressure point strikes.
There are little or no forms (or kata). Due to its combat effectiveness, there is little need to practice solo or routine exercises, since these do not train the student in anything relevant. All drills and exercises are partnered to maximise the learning benefits to the students.
Jeet Kune Dois probably one of the only martial arts where sparring against multiple opponents is successfully trained.
Students will be able to fight with weapons of different size, weight and shapes without any hindrance.
Jeet Kune Do is often taught outdoors, with shoes, since this is an ideal streetfighting setting. No special uniform is needed, and it is a relatively inexpensive art to practice
Many techniques in Jeet Kune Do are lethal and fatal. Not many restraining techniques are taught since the art is grounded in mortal combat. Spirituality and martial virtue is attained independently by the students and not taught as part of the curriculum.